Drug/Alcohol Misuse
Drug/Alcohol Dependencies
As a service and through research our service recognises the issues and associated needs of individuals who misuse alcohol and drug. The dependency of any substance can impact individuals with medical and/or social issues. This can lead to individuals entering the criminal justice route, risk of self neglect, loss of housing, risk of exploitation to and from others and alcohol related disabilities.
Our aim is to work in partnership with individuals and partnering Statutory Local Authority, NHS and Specialist services, to support individuals to access their local communities, to engage with agencies and to live as successfully and safely within their own community.
The Service promotes to enable individuals to achieve goals such as maintaining accommodation (tenancies), managing daily living skills, and whilst maintaining their emotional wellbeing, alongside engaging with all relevant services.
Supporting to reduce the risk of social isolation, stigma and reduced economic wellbeing is pivotal in our practice.