Our Approach
Our service acknowledges that everyone is different and that what one client may consider to be an important goal towards furthering their independence, may differ significantly from others.
We have an ethos of ensuring that all support is tailored to your individual needs. To achieve this, we take time to get to know you and put your preferences at the centre of everything we do. You are in control of every element of your support, where appropriate. We empower you to live the way you want

Meeting Your Goals
We understand that our client's will have differing needs and abilities and therefore will ensure that your care/support plan is reviewed every three months. The aim is ensure that your progress does not become stagnant, and that our service is meeting your goals; towards independence.
Our service is a working partnership between you and us.
We work in collaboratively with Cornwall Council, Cornwall NHS Trust; to strive to meet the best outcomes for our customers.
We also work effectively with other other statutory agencies such as Mental Health, Learning Disability, GP's, Housing Departments, Employment Agencies and other charities such as National Autism Service.
Our knowledge and expertise has evidenced how working in partnership with you, your support network and other organisations, can assist in achieving your goals and aspiration towards greater independence.

Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance is a large part of our work, where we continually review with you and other organisations how we are doing (in regards to desired outcomes agreed and devised in your care plan). Reviews of the quality of work is undertaken every three months. As a registered provider with The Care Quality Commission (CQC), our service will continue to adhere to their policy and guidance; thus ensuring first class service to you, our customers.
Last CQC Inspection report published on the 16th October 2021 rated Promoting Independence South West West as 'Good' within all domains (Safe/Effective/Caring/Responsive and Well-Led).